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CAP 84345 chemin de la croix de noves village automobile 84000 AVIGNON04 90 03 65 15mathieu.dequeker@cap84.frVente : Fermé (ouvre à 8:00).Après-vente : Fermé (ouvre à 8:00).
Very nice home. Kindness. Efficiency. speed. What more ?
We were broken down in Avignon. It was on this occasion that we had to deal with a professional and very friendly team (Julien and Franck) who did their utmost to ensure that we could return with our vehicle to the Paris region. We have also seen that this top-notch service was incomparable with our Mazda dealership.
We thank you again and will not hesitate to service at your place if possible.
C and D.
cathy plumme
A very professional and very friendly welcome
Thanks to Sophie, Elodie, Julien and Franck for your good humor and your listening
A concession as little is done
Jean-Pierre Lumbroso
A very warm welcome and very professional. I recommend this dealer.
Thank you.
Florian Schawann
First time I came to this dealership for information about the latest mazda 3 2020, great professionalism I recommend. I'm thinking of moving to Mazda soon enough, I hope ...